Before I continue, I'd like to thank my readers for giving me this platform. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for you. From the OGs who have been in my corner since day 1, to those who recently discovered my blog, I consider myself blessed to have such an incredible audience.
When I began my blog, I never expected it would grow so much. It's given me several opportunities. From being interviewed by prominent individuals, to writing several guest articles for other conservative bloggers, to meeting several authors and influencers. I never expected these opportunities would arise simply from writing a blog. I've marketed myself through social media, and have gained a fairly large following, which I'm proud of. I also decided to put myself out there by creating Reels. Many have been very popular, and I enjoy making them.
I did this when I hit 200 articles, so I figured I could do it again! Right now, these are my favorite articles to date:
- Which Country Singers are Conservative or Republican?
- Was Johnny Depp a Victim of Domestic Abuse?
- Understanding Human Trafficking from a Survivor's Perspective
- Why are Men Underrepresented in Human Trafficking?
- The Dark Truth of Gender Studies
It's also thanks to this blog that I found an important passion that has become the main focus of my blog. Fighting human trafficking, sharing the truth of pornography, and telling the truth. That's why I write so much about these topics on my blog. It's why I began writing for Stop The Demand Project. It's partly why I have chosen to go back to school for behavior analysis. Behavior analysts can help those with PTSD (which is very common among victims of human trafficking) or take on a counseling role. I will see as my education continues. While I still believe my political beliefs are important, the fight against human trafficking is more important.
Before I close, here are 5 fun facts about me!
- My whole family thought I wouldn't be able to handle getting another tattoo. This one was significantly better. Despite taking the "coward's way out" by using numbing cream, I still felt a lot of it. Nonetheless, this wasn't as painful as my second tattoo. This came out amazing!
- I've been eating right and going to the gym three times a week (except last week because I had to let my tattoo heal), and now I've lost nearly 10 pounds!
- I've been obsessed with Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. I watch at least one episode every day, but one day my sister, dad, and I watched like 6 episodes in one day. I don't have one favorite character, but it's definitely a tie between Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson, Raphael Barba, and Dominick Carisi.
- I'll be going to a Luke Bryan concert next month, which I'm super excited for!
- I didn't even know I was hitting my 250th article until I checked on Sunday to see what number I was at. I knew I was near 250, but I wanted to know how close I was. Didn't realize I was already there!
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