The media apparently takes us all for fools, because as Dave Chappelle said, "None of these details added up AT ALL!!" Jan. 29th, while out on the streets of Chicago, Smollett was attacked by two masked men wearing MAGA hats. They tied a rope around his neck, called him derogatory names, poured bleach on him, yelled "This is MAGA country!" then ran off. Every Democrat was furious! The police (and most Americans) realized this story made ZERO sense. Soon enough, the police caught the men who staged this "hate crime," and they revealed how Smollett paid them to create the crime. Smollett turned himself in. All of a sudden, the court dropped the case against Smollett. That was that, until recently, when it was reopened, and now he’s been indicted. Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said Jussie did this to promote his career. Scott Presler said it best, “Jussie Smollett wanted to up his career by creating a race war.” Police wasted time and resources on Smollett, when it could have gone to a real case. The media, without ANY facts besides what Jussie said, automatically jumped to his defense. Why? Because they wanted it to be true. They hate Donald Trump and his supporters so much they’ll ignore the truth. Why else with the Covington teenagers’ story they jumped and blamed those kids?! Who could forget Reza Aslan saying Nick Sandmann has a “punchable face?” I’m so happy Nick won that lawsuit.
Even Roger Stone’s case. He "lied to Congress," and almost all Democrats want him to rot in prison. Mainstream media (who were tipped off about his arrest) won’t point out:
- People who commit manslaughter spend less than 15 years in prison
- Most violent offenders spend less than 3 years in prison
- People who committed rape/sexual assault spent 62% of their sentence; the median time for rape/sexual assault is 5-10 years

I think almost everyone has realized mainstream media isn’t our friend. There’s really no honest journalism with them. They’ll only consider facts that fit their narrative. Since Donald Trump won office, they tried to destroy his career, along with anyone who supports him. They ignore real cases of violence when it’s conservatives, because it’s Leftists doing the violent acts. The Democrats in office and mainstream media have always worked together. Anyone in mainstream media doesn’t realize they’re only helping Trump win 2020. In simple terms, Americans are switching to the right side, all thanks to the lying media.
What led you to not trust mainstream media? Comment down!!
- Dave Chappelle’s Special:
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