Introduction Post

Hello everyone! For those who do not know me, here's a little summary: I am currently a Junior at the University of Florida studying Business Administration. I enjoy writing, watching Bollywood movies, and listening to country music (especially Blake Shelton). Why I have chosen to start this blog was to reach fellow students, conservative or democratic, to spread the truth of the lies we are being fed on college campuses, professors, and even our peers. Everything has become a political movement from the Left. There are less college conservatives coming out. No one can express their true opinions on certain topics (i.e. homosexuality, abortions, free speech) without being either verbally or physically attacked. All I wish for is to help others not only know they are not alone in this fight, but to be another outlet to share the truth with. I look forward to sharing my opinions with you, and hope you might get something out of what I have to say.


  1. I think you are an exceptionally smart, bright wise intelligent wonderful young girl. I have met you on Twitter, I have read things you've posted and now I've found this blog and it is so refreshing to know that a college kid can see that liberalism is (my opinion) just going off the deep end...I am so impressed by you and your views. Your parents must be so proud. You are truly special.


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